You're Invited
The Ballard of the PTA is known for two wonderful fundraising events, Barn Bash and Old-Time Jamboree. These events rotate; each held every other year during spring semester.
This year is our Old-Time Jamboree which will take place April 21, 2024!
Old-Time Jamboree

Ballard’s Little Red Schoolhouse Old-Time Jamboree is our most anticipated event.
• Live music
• Barbecue lunch from Noon – 2:45PM
• Old-fashioned carnival games from  Noon – 4:00PM
• Pie baking contest
• Silent auction from  Noon – 4:00PM
• Live auction 3:00PMÂ
• Largest game of musical chairs in the county at 4:30PM
• Costumes encouraged! Wear 1800’s Pioneer-type attire.
Jamboree is Ballard PTA’s FUNdraiser of the year!
Educational Trips
Education visits play an important role in providing students with a wide frame of mind.